panty head day!

I've been sitting here laughing out loud for five minutes while cropping and de-red-eying this photo. Let me tell you a story.

I was having a horrible morning. I mean, really, my 3 year old was totally disobedient and I was admittedly too lazy to do much at all about it. Yep, it's true. I had gotten up at the crack of dawn trying hard to be the Proverbs 31 lady or something equally ridiculous and by 9 am I was exhausted. Then Brandi and Riley came over and she witnessed it. My laziness. My, gee, do I give a rip that Abby just backtalked me. I do, but I've given up. For the moment. I was truly beginning to think I need counseling for raising a 3 year old for crying out loud. As my headache grew "poundier" by the minute we see Abigail and Riley run by. They usually make Indian warrior sounds and this was no exception. But this time they had Dora panties on their cute little heads. (I'm sure his Dad will be saying, "Atta, boy!") Ah, it was so what my serious self needed. To really laugh with her-and her bestest bud. He's adorable. Really. I mean, I'm not sure why God brought us all together but I think it's very cool that the 2 of them are completely opposite in almost every aspect but they don't know life without each other. Plus, it teaches you a whole heck of a lot about yourself to see you or your child's polar opposite. So thankful for friends like that-for Abby's sake and mine!

I very much wanted to save this photo and scrap it before posting it but couldn't resist. Here's to panty raids, loud noises that wake babies, and moms who think they've had enough...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

These two kids have been best friends all their lives. I asked Abby the other day if Riley is going to the same school with her. She replied, "Of course, Nannaw."

8/28/2006 11:16:00 PM  
Blogger Mark W. said...

I love the way you phrased this: the Proverbs 31 lady or something equally ridiculous.

For the record, I agree with your assessment of her, and wish all wives across the world would agree to laugh her off from this day forward. I don't know how "scriptural" that would be, but it would sure save a lot of women from unnecessary stress and frustration...thankfully kids can ease the tension too, especially with Dora panties on their heads! LOL!!!

8/29/2006 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely typed my comment, and then got a blank screen, so if this come through twice, I'm not getting "IT." I loved watching these two interact when I was visiting you last month. Abby calls him "RieRie" and he refers to her as "Ab." They act three and a half going on 18. In talking with them about school, Riley said, "I don't want to go." When I asked why not, he dropped his head demurely and looked up through half closed eyes and said, "I'm too shy." This was after he'd cross examined me for several minutes. What a pair they are! GM Doris

8/29/2006 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the PROV 31 woman you are jesting about! Boy it is hard to type that with a straight fingers are laughing at me!!!!!

8/29/2006 02:32:00 PM  

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