post order happy dance

My assistant and I just got done placing the club order from Thursday night. Here's our picture - no worries about quality control, right? I know, some of you were hoping that I got it done at 10:53 pm on Thursday night but I just now got up the courage to balance my Stampin Up! checkbook and see what supplies I could order. Abby helped me by pushing in the numbers I called out. It worked out great - she learned 7,8, and 9 and I think the order was correct in the end. Only a couple of times did the item number look like this 10000000000022222229981 (102981). She has trouble just hitting the key and not hollllllldddddddding it down occassionally. ah,hem....

So, after we ordered we played airplane on Mommy's feet and took silly pictures of ourselves. You know, like when you were in jr. high and you and your friend held the camera out in front of you and wasted about 15 shots. Only, now, with digital cameras you don't and it's still FUN! But somehow my teeth still look like Mr. Ed's from that angle...

Mike took some more surprise pictures last night when he got home from playing X-Box with his friends. Yes, he still goes over to play X-Box but hey, it keeps him outta the bars...I color, cut, and paste and call it scrapbooking and he plays video games. Can you believe we're grown up enough to have kids? yeah, us either. Anyway, the picture was of me and Abby asleep in exactly the same position. Hands over our heads in this weird arm looking strange that we even sleep alike! It wasn't very becoming so I'll just let you picture that one in your mind's eye!

Okay, now my assistant says she's ready to do some scrapbooking...til' tomorrow!


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