no allowance for us

this morning i was busy cleaning house and i asked abby to help me. i told her, "hey, mommy needs you to help me pick up and maybe i could give you a little money for your wallet, like an allowance...." with the best donna reed look i could muster up!

abby says, "what's a ta-lowance?"

i say, "it's when your parents give you some money for helping do chores sometimes."

she says, "nah, usually people just give me money!"

she wound up helping for FREE!!!!! what a concept...



Blogger K.T. is Mommatude said...

Okay that is just hilarious!!!Mine wouldnt help for free and at that it wouldnt come cheap either....Dang those schools for teaching the value of money....LOL

11/21/2006 10:08:00 AM  

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